* Best participant of each contest will be awarded Rs. 500/- cash prize and All rounder ( who wins maximum no of contests will be awarded Rs. 1000/- cash prize .
Registration fees Rs. 100/- per contest
Paytm/ Gpay to 9952569111
Registration starts from 4th to 13th Nov 2020.
Submission from 5th to 13th Nov to 9952569111.
Results on 16th Nov 2020.
** Age group for contests -*
* Group A – Pre Kg to UKG
* Group B – I to V std
* Group C – VI to XII std
Colouring/ Drawing *
* Colouring- Group A( sheets will be shared)
* Drawing- Group B- My Cracker gift box
* Drawing Group C- My Diwali celebration
* 2 minute video is mandatory & one finished pic .
Greeting card making (all age groups)*
* Items required : Paper/ chart and Paints
* Description : kids use some paper and paints and make Diwali Greeting Card for their parents .
* 2 minute video is mandatory & 1 finished pic.
Diya decoration*
* Group A & B Description : A child has to use diyas, oil and a match box. Light the diyas and arrange them in the form of a ohm. The person whose design is the best will be awarded.
* Group C & D – Make 2 Diyas using Play dough place it on a thali / plate and decorate it with colours / sequence/ any decorative items of your choice.
* max of 5 pics in a collage
Origami (all age groups)*
* Items required : Origami papers, scissors, tape, strings
* Description : Make your kids feel closer to the festival by decorating Lakshmi with garland made by them. Cut , fold, string colorful papers together to make beautiful artificial flower garlands.
* 2 minute video is mandatory & 1 finished pic.

Kidscontests is only a platform to post events notification. Contests are conducted by various organizations. For any details other than published here, you need to contact the respective organizers only.
Pls may I know how many students has registered for this competition…..