Ilakkya Srikanth : Youngest Speed cuber to obtain world ranking in 3 competition

Talented Ilakkya Srikanth solves five types of cubes.(2×2, 3×3, 4×4, pyraminx and skewb). She is 7 years old.
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She banged second place at the state level tournament organized by Tamilnadu cube association under 10 age category. She has been awarded with a certificate and shield in that tournament.
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She had also participated in the event called “Carte Blanche cube open 2019” organized by World cube association held at MIT Chennai. She was the youngest contestant to participate in 3 events.(2×2, 3×3 and pyraminx). She obtained the world ranking where the timings of 2×2 cube solving is 20 seconds, 3×3 cube in 1minute 03 seconds and pyraminx in 30 seconds.
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Now she had also practiced and solving 4×4 cube and skewb.