Event Title: “Kids personality development workshop” – “ BE-DO-HAVE”
Event Description : In terms of specificity, here is a bit more information:
The whole day will be following a model called ‘Be – do – have’.
– The initial two and half hours will have activities that will focus on WHO THEY NEED TO BE to have an outstanding personality.
– Activities of the next two and half hours will be on WHAT THEY NEED TO DO to ensure the personality is sustained and how they can manage emotions and reactions.
– Final two and half hours will include activities that will show them WHAT THEY HAVE as resources in and around them to keep their evolution as a beautiful human.
Everything done in that class will be activity based with little bit of speech in between. Given their age they need regular breaks and lots of activities.
At the conclusion of participants along with parents will be encouraged to identify personal goals and make a commitment to it.
Facilitator: Mrs. Hema Manu Anand
Managing Director
PC Valley
Event Venue: KK Nagar or Saligramam ,Chennai 92(will be informed later)
Contact Information:
Event Organizer’s Name,:Mrs.Radhika
Office/Resi phone:9087664222
Age Group the event is applicable for: from 2nd to 8th std.
Start Date and End Date:10-12-2016
Start Time and End Time. 9.00 am to 6pm
Fee: 2000/- ( includes workshop fee, lunch and snacks)