Samskruti Heritage Fest and Contests

An inter school and inter college heritage fest called ‘Samskruti’ is being organized by Global Organization for Divinity India Trust in Chennai on July 21, 22 and on July 28, 29, 2012. The contest is open for children studying in classes 6 to 12.

Children are divided into three groups: Classes 6 to 8, Classes 9 to 12 and College Students. There are prizes for the best school team and the best college team.

Contests for Class 6 to 8: Pot painting, Dress designing, Drawing, Handmade gifts, Greeting card making and Villu paatu.

Contests for Class 9 to 12: Skit, Group dance, Temple treasures, Traditional treasures, Quiz and T-shirt painting.

Contests for College Students: Photography, Short film making, Cookery, Quiz and Poster designing.

Registrations close on July 10, 2012.

For more details, contact 98845 94869 / 99404 49082 / 98941 84802