Imagine Cup : Student Technology Competition from Microsoft

This is an International Competition, Please check the rules and regulations in the organizers’ website given below.

The Imagine Cup is full of opportunities to gain new skills, access exclusive training, unlock mentor ship opportunities, have the chance to win great prizes, and make a difference in the world.

You could win:

  1. Training and mentor ship from Microsoft experts
  2. Networking with industry pros
  3. The chance to showcase your idea
  4. Cash to continue taking your project to the next level

Competition Schedule:
01 – Registration + Submission
Join Discord community, participate in Build Your Epic kick-off event and Epic Challenge
Now – January 2022

02 – Online Semifinals
All submissions are judged
February 2022

03 – World Finals
Top category teams compete to advance
Date to be announced

04 – World Championship
The 2022 winner is crowned
Date to be announced

Eligibility: You are at least 16 years of age as of 21 September 2021 and are actively enrolled as a student at an accredited educational institution that grants highschool or college/university (or equivalent) degrees (including home schools) at any time between 25 May 2021 and 31 May 2022.

You should not be an immediate family member of (parent, sibling, spouse/domestic partner, child) or household member of a Microsoft employee, an employee of a Microsoft subsidiary, or a person involved in any part of the administration and execution of this
Competition between 25 May 2021 and May 2022.

Complete Details @

Rules & Regulations: