National Coding Summit 2021 by Codingal | Free Registration

Codingal, the #1 coding platform for kids, is celebrating World Youth Skills Day this July 15 by conducting the National Coding Summit 2021.

The National Coding Summit is a unique opportunity for students, parents, teachers and school administrators to meet India’s leading educators, policymakers and corporate leaders who are shaping the future of the country.

Date and time: July 15 from 10 AM onwards

Event Schedule & Time:
Relevance of Coding in National Education Policy 2020 at 10 AM
Hour of Code: Global & Indian perspective of K-12 Education at 10:30 AM
Innovation in K-12 Education for a Better Future at 11:45  AM
Industry Partnerships & Collaborations driving STEM Education in India at 1:30 PM
Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in K-12 & STEM Learning at 2:45 PM
Pedagogy & the New-Age Curriculum at 4 PM
Closing Remarks by Codingal Founders at 5 PM
National Coding Summit 2021 offers the perfect platform for parents, students and educators to discover the emerging trends in education and technology.

Join us on July 15 and shape the future of India.

For registration: