Monthly Illustrate It Contest by ITS Group

  Monthly Illustrate-it Competition.

1- For each month, a short story will be the subject – theme – of that month’s competition.
2- The characters of that short story should be illustrated which is the goal of all these competitions.
3- ITS Groups will produce an animation – which will be free to share on all platforms – from the “short-story.”
4- Winning illustrations will be turned into an animated video by our animators.
5- Name and illustration of the winner(s) will display on the crew list at the end of the animated video and will publish in e-magazine through Amazon + £50 -The prize send via PayPal.

Medium: The characters should be simple 2D line drawings or cartoons. All characters must be drawn individually on a white page without any background or colour. Drawing or Digitally created images. 

​​Eligibility: Open worldwide to all young illustrators. (Under 18 years old)

Entry fee: £5 (Multiple entries permitted for all characters)

More Details at