Hindi Competitions for Children

Hindi Competitions for Children conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research will be held on 6th September 2013.

Topic – Swami Vivekananda’s Vission & Mission for our country
Participants have to draw a picture and color it with any type of color. A heading or caption in Hindi should also be given.
Timing: September 6th, 2013  – 10am to 12.30pm ( 2 hours will be allotted )
Venue – Seminar Hall/ Auditorium, NITTTR, Taramani
Age Category – 3rd Std to 5th Std ( Junior Level ) ,6th std to 8th std ( Middle Level )
Essay Writing
Topic – Swami Vivekananda’s Vission & Mission for our Country
Timing: September 6th, 2013  – 10am to 12.30pm ( 2 hours will be allotted )
Venue – Seminar Hall/ Auditorium, NITTTR, Taramani
Age Category – 9th Std to 10th std
Topic – The topic will be announced 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the competition
Timing: September 6th, 2013  – 10am to 12.30pm ( 2 hours will be allotted )
Venue – Seminar Hall/ Auditorium, NITTTR, Taramani

Age Category – 11th Std to 12th std

No Registration Fee
Contact : 9444925053 For more details
For more details contact: 9444925053