National Spell Bee Contest 2024


🐝 Language: English

🐝 Categories:

– Sub Junior : Class 1 & 2

– Junior. : Class 3, 4 & 5

– Senior. : Class 6, 7 & 8

🐝 Level 1: Preliminary Round

– Sub Junior : 30 marks

– Junior. : 40 marks

– Senior. : 50 marks

🐝 Level 1 Question types:

1. Correct *missing* words (Writing)

2. Listen and *write* spelling (Dictation)

3. *Listen* to meaning and spell word

4. Listen to pronunciation and *spell* word (Oral)

🐝 Level 2: Final Round_ (For Level 1 Winners )

All 4 Same tasks in Level 1 +
Write 5 words starting with given letters

Note : For Sub junior all the questions will be from the words only ( not from the meaning ).

🐝_Word List:_
All questions will exclusively come from the provided word list ( PDF ) only.

( 50 words with meaning and
50 words without meaning)

– Level 1: 100 words per category

– Level 2: Additional 50 (Sub Junior), 60 (Junior), 70 (Senior) words


– Through *Google Meet*.

– participants should notify us through WhatsApp when they are ready for assessment. ( *Between September 25 to October 25* ).

– Judges allocate date and time

– Max time : 15-minutes for assessment

– Selection based on *right answers and least time completion*

– 30-second timer will be given per word

🐝 _Awards:_

– Level 1 participants: *SUPER SPELLER* Title with Merit Certificate, Medal

– Level 2 runners-up in each category: *STAR SUPER SPELLER* Title with Certificate, Medal

– Level 2 winners in each category: *HONEYCOMB CHAMPION* Title, Certificate with Medal, πŸ† Trophy

– Outstanding spelling abilities: *SPELLING SENSATION* Title with Trophy πŸ†, Medal

– Word recognition excellence and spelling excellence: *WORD WHIZ* Title with TrophyπŸ†, Medal

– Overall Champion: *QUEEN πŸ‘‘ BEE* Title with Certificate, Big Trophy πŸ†, Medal


– Last date: November 10

– Assessment dates:

Level 1: *September 25 – October 25* 2024

Level 2: *November 1 – November 30*

– Registration fee: Rs.β‚Ή350 (including courier expenses)

– Offline contest for Schools and Tuition centres, Academies with over 100 participants: Rs. β‚Ή300

For registration: 8838732824, 9787688206
