Gandhi Jayanthi 2021 Contests by Taught Academy

Gandhi Jayanti is arriving, and Taught Academy is celebrating with a series of fun and engaging contests for kids!

  1. Let us tell you about the first, our Story Writing Contest – Your Experiments with Truth. 

Age: 10-15  years

Date: October 2nd, 2021

Submission Time: 10:00am – 11:59pm 

Theme: Honesty 

Where to Submit: Whatsapp 

Our Rules! 

Your tale should be about our topic! We like it not too short, not too long. Keep it within 750 words. 
No plagiarism. We want to hear your story! 
Judge’s decision will be final. They’re not very good at negotiating. 
Whatsapp groups will be created for the participants. Submissions to be done by 11:59 pm on Oct 2nd through Whatsapp. You have until midnight! 
The story should be submitted in pdf format. Name, age and phone number should be clearly mentioned above the story. We need to know who our authors are! 
Taught Gift vouchers worth INR 750 for all participants. Because we love all of you! 


1st Prize Taught Gift voucher worth INR 2500/-

Gift Hamper , Certificate We can’t wait to meet you little writers!

2. Let us tell you about the first, our Fancy Dress Contest – Icons of Peace!

Age: 5-9 years

Date: October 2nd, 2021

Submission Time: 10:00am – 11:59pm 

Theme: Peace Prize Winners

Where to submit: Whatsapp 

Our Rules!

It’s time to raid your parents’ cupboards! Dress up as your favourite Nobel Peace Prize Winners. 
Make a video enacting the character with or without dialogue. This is your moviestar moment! 
Whatsapp group will be created for the participants to submit their videos.Submission to be done by 11:59pm on October 2nd. You have until midnight! 
Judge’s decision will be final. They’re not very good at negotiating. 
Name, age and phone number should be clearly mentioned along with the submission. We need to know who our actors are! 
Taught Gift vouchers worth INR 750 for all participants. Because we love all of you! 


1st Prize Taught Gift voucher worth INR 2500/-

Gift Hamper , certificate 

We can’t wait to meet you little actors! 

3. Let us tell you about the first, our Crafts with clutter – Creating Godliness.

Age: 5-15 years

Date: October 2nd, 2021

Submission Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm 

Theme: Beauty of the Earth

Venue: Zoom

Our Rules!

Make sure what you make is about our theme! You can dig up any reusable materials like bottles, paper, old CDs and other materials. Don’t let your mom take out the trash! 
The judge’s decision will be final. They’re not very good at negotiating. 
Two age categories – (5-9) and (10-15). Each category will have two winners. We love talented duos! 
Whatsapp groups will be created for the participants. Submissions to be done within half an hour of contest completion through the group. We know the last minute brings out the hidden genius! 
Clear picture of the submission along with name, age and phone number should be clearly mentioned while submitting. We need to know who our archaeologists are! 
Taught Gift vouchers worth INR 750 for all participants. Because we love all of you! 

We can’t wait to meet you quick thinkers! 


1st Prize Taught Gift voucher worth INR 2500/-

Gift Hamper , certificate 

2nd Prize Taught Gift voucher worth INR 1500/-

Gift Hamper , certificate

4. Let us tell you about the first, our Poster Making Contest – A Picture of Freedom.

Age: 5-15 years

Date: October 2nd, 2021

Submission Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm 

Theme: Freedom

Venue: Zoom

Our Rules

Your poster has to be about our topic and made on A4 sheet or cardboard. Can use pictures, colours, sketches, coloured sheets and anything else your child can think of. Let your imagination run wild! 
Judge’s decision will be final. They’re not very good at negotiating. 
Two age categories – (5-9) and (10-15). Each category will have two winners. We love talented duos! 
Whatsapp groups will be created for the participants. Submissions to be done within half an hour of contest completion through Whatsapp. We know the last minute brings out the hidden genius!
Clear picture of the poster along with name, age and phone number should be clearly mentioned while submitting. We need to know who our artists are! 
Taught Gift vouchers worth INR 750 for all participants. Because we love all of you! 


1st Prize Taught Gift voucher worth INR 2500/-

Gift Hamper , certificate 

2nd Prize Taught Gift voucher worth INR 1500/-

Gift Hamper, certificate

Registration page –