THE WORD-WAR DEBATE COMPETITION online debate rounds held by Vimal kumar bothra . Winners will get the certificates according to their ranking.
1st prize – golden certificate
2nd prize – silver certificate
3rd prize – bronze certificate
All the participants will also provided a participation certificate.
You also have to pay online Rs. 100/- to participate through paytm/google pay or phone pay to this number – 9811333361 (only on this number ) And attach the payment screenshot in the google form.
AGE CRITERIA – 9 to 16 years, the students will also be judged according to their age, so don’t feel that if you will debate will someone older than you, then you will loose.
And fill your name, class, school name, email and etc. details on the google form link provided below.
Deadline to submit details is 18th June 3pm.
Google form –
This is a on the spot debate so the topics will be given on the spot and once topic is given, you will be given with 20 min for preparing the topic.
The link of the debate room will be sent 1 day before the contest and the contest will be conducted on zoom, so make sure you have zoom app on your laptop/pc or mobile.
Further details about the format will be shared once you register.