Patriotism relates to a sense of belonging for the country that we are born in the motherland. It is about a sense of understanding, high tolerance level and a reasonable national pride. Republic Day has been celebrated every year in India on January 26, since 1950
to honour the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect.
This year Enhance Team proudly presents ‘Be Patriotic online quiz 2021’- Online Quiz contest to celebrate the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect. This contest is an opportunity to showcase your kids love, respect and loyalty towards one’s country. Instilling values of patriotism in children will help them to become responsible citizens.
Eligibility :
Category A : Toddlers, LKG , UKG : Freedom Fighters
Category B: 1 ST ,2nd ,3rd GRADE : States & Capitals / Languages / Chief Ministers
Category C: 4th ,5th , 6th GRADE : Important events in Indian history
For Registration Whatsapp @ : 9943371243
Rules and syllabus will be shared after registration and payment.
Registration Ends : 30 Th JANUARY 2021
Slots starts from : 31st JANUARY 2021
Payment : Gpay @ 7373337123
Registration Fee : Rs.150 per Event.
All participants will be awarded E-Certificates.
All Winners will be awarded E-certificates & Trophies .
All participants who got full scores other than winners will get special mention medal.
Winners will need to send courier charges upon their prize arrival.
Amount paid is Non Refundable / not transferable to any other competitions.
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