World Competition for Children’s Drawings Bulgaria 2019

World Competition for Children’s Drawings Bulgaria 2019 invites entries from children all over the world. Children aged 4-18 may apply.

Choose one of the fallowing subjects
a) Free – the choice of theme is unrestricted
b) Let’s play outside – your favorite games when you are outside

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Picture Size should be

a) min. 30/40 cm
b) max. 49/70 cm
Drawings less than 30/40 cm will be disqualified

There are not specifications as to materials, instruments or mode of drawing but the entries must be the original works of the children.

Entries Accepted from 1st May 2019
Deadline: On or before 15th July, 2019

Each participant may submit up to 2 pictures

Prizes :

The Special Prize of “13 Centuries Bulgaria” Foundation

The Special Prize of the “Little Zograff” Foundation

Gold prize – 12
Silver prize – 24
Bronze prize – 36
Honorable Mention – 50

An exhibition with the entries which were awarded a prize will be held September 2019 in Bulgaria.

The entries which have been awarded a prize will be published into a catalog to be presented to each winner.

Please send the drawings to the following address:
Little Zograff Foundation
World Competition for Children’s Drawings 2019
1000 Sofia
Central Post, post box 49


Complete Details in the organizer website :