The Society for Space Education Research & Development (SSERD), Bangalore, India is a community committed to elevate and foster the education of Space Science and research universally. As a body, we emphasize on providing an innovative and exciting hands-on Space education.
In order to accomplish our motives, we have affiliated with innumerable like minded organizations across the world. With this, we foresee a world with a command on the unexplored celestial bodies and the planetary. We strive to make the Space education a lot more accessible. To highlight one of our prime objectives, we create and nurture the love for the deep space and its science. Our focus rests on the young minds to develop a fondness for the space & science.
ASTRO SPACE CAMP is an event organized will include Guest Lectures and HandsOn Workshops on various topics like Rocketry, Aeromodelling, Robotics, CANSAT, Astronomy, Current Affairs in Space, Drone, RC Planes and many more with exciting Night Star Gazing with Telescopes. The camp includes lots of Technical and fun-filled competitions based on what they learned. Participants and Winners will be provided Certificates and prizes.”