Wisdom Educational Studio Presents Inter-State Level Competition 2019
All competitions conducted one day one place for your convenience.
Special Features:
Winners who win 1st prize in any three categories will be awarded as “Champions of the Inter -state Level Competition 2019” Award.
On –Stage performance
Professional Juries.
This is open to all, we wish you to share this to all your near and dear ones, we are sure that you will make this competition grand success again.
Events Details:
08:00 to 09:00 Am: – Yoga (Common, Forward, Backward, Twisting, Balancing, Standing)
Age limit: Below 4,5-6,7-9,10-13,14-17 , above 18 for all events (Max: 5 mins)
09:00 to 10:00 Am: – Abacus (Mind Calculation –written exam)
Age limit: Below 4,5-6,7-9,10-13,14-17 , above 18 for all events
Mathematical Genius “Ramanujam” Award for Abacus Winner
(Max: 3mins, basic Level: 20 sums, junior level: 20sums, senior level: 40 sums)(According to the speed and accuracy winner will be selected)
* please brings the writing pad
10:00 to 11:00 Am: – Fancy Dress competition
Any Dress Model
Age limit: Below 4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-13, 14-17 , above 18 for all events
11:00 Am to 01:00 Pm: – Rhymes, Storytelling, slokas telling, Thirukkural, Oratory
Age limit: Below 4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-13, 14-17, above 18 for all events
01:00 Pm -01:30 Pm: – Lunch
01:30 Pm to 03:00 Pm: – Drawing, Essay Writing, Hand Writing, personal talents.
Age limit: Below 4,5-6,7-9,10-13,14-17 , above 18 for all events
*A4 chart will be provided for drawing competition .please brings the writing pad
* Hand writing paragraph will be given.
03:00 Pm to 04:30 Pm: – Musical Instrument (Common, piano, Guitar)
Age limit: Below 4,5-6,7-9,10-13,14-17 , above 18 for all events
04:30 Pm to 05:30 Pm: – Singing (western, folk, classical)
Age limit: Below 4,5-6,7-9,10-13,14-17 , above 18 for all events
05:30 Pm to 07:00 Pm: – Group dance(classical ,western, folk)
Age limit: 3-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-14 years & above
(Max: 5mins) *Registration fee for dance competition Rs.200 per person
Registration fee is Rs.300/- per event.
*Registration fee for dance competition Rs.200 per person
email to s.elavarasan2010@gmail.com for details of fee deposit.
After Fee payment sent mail to the above email mentioning the below details:
a. Name of your child
b. Age Category
c. Standard
d. Participating events
e. Mobile No & Email ID:
f. Transaction Reference / Copy of Challan
Please note that this is quite important for Organizers to track the participant in a particular event.
General Rules & Regulations:
Registration is must.(Problem creating parent are not entertained)
Spot entries /after last date entries are strictly not allowed/entertained.
Songs and karaoke must be in single CD to save time.
Keep Songs and karaoke in another CD to stand by.
Participant can participate more than one event.
Participant should bring any age identity proof.
Participants should bring all event related things like fancy dress, pencil, Eraser, Yoga mat, Cd’s Etc. For drawing event A4 size chart will be given.
Participants will be allowed to perform the events in the registration order wise.
Prizes will be distributed at the end of each event.
Wisdom Educational Studio reserves the right to admit or refuse any entry without assigning any reason thereof and also to cancel/alter any modifications on all events.
Be on time, late comers will not be allowed strictly to participate for their events beyond the allotted time
The allotted time for every event may vary more or less by participants.
Judges/Organizer’s decision is final and binding on all participants.
Registration fee will be refundable only if Wisdom Educational Studio cancelled the event due to unavoidable circumstances.
Lunch will not be provided.
Kanchi Periyaval Sathapthi Mandapam
Venue: Gangai amman koil main street,
(Back side to phoenix mall)
Velachery, Chennai- 42
Use the google map - Event Date: 10-March-2019, Sunday
For contact: S.Elavarasan
Cell no.9940070252
E-mail: s.elavarasan2010@gmail.com
1. Food court, Shopping & Games are available for participants, visitors & parents.
2. Those who want to put their stalls, games, food court etc. should pay Rs.2000 as
installation fee

registration fee is too high
Wat is the theme for drawing competion
For per event how much ? If we participate more than one event how much ?