ATTITUDE KIDS Inter School Competition Vandoos Corner.
Event 1 : Rhymes Telling; L.k.g; U.k.g
Event 2: Colouring L.k.g; U.k.g
Event 3:Thirukkural
Event 4:Story Telling L.K.G ; U.K.G (not more than 2min)
Little Ramanujan
Event 1: Oral (1 to 20 numbers)
Event 2: Identification of numbers (1 to 20 numbers)
Event 1: Write the Numbers ( 1 to 50 numbers)
Event 2: Count and write (1 to 20 by pictures)
Event 1: I can write numbers (1 to 20 words)
Event 2: Addition (Single digit)
1st std
Event 1: I can write numbers (1 to 30 words)
Event 2: Addition (Single digit with carrying)
Event 3: Write the numbers in reverse (50 to 1)
2nd std
Event 1:I can write numbers (1 to 5o words)
Event 2: Find the greatest number
Event 3: Addition (2digits)
Venue: ATTITUDEKIDS,10/11, Guhan Street ; Kamakotti Nagar; Valasaravakkam ; (near saibaba temple) Chennai- 87
Ph : 044-4356 3499, 9940101436, 9171412011
Wats app : 7708178970 , 9940101436
Reg fee 130/- per event
Date:10:03:2019 / Day: Sunday/Event Time: 10am to 4pm
*For little Ramanujam time limit will be given*
*No Properties for Story & Rhymes Telling*
Registration place: Attitude kids play school (valasaravakkam)

Really it’s a waste school thy Dono hw to conduct the competition.thy r cheating the other school kids nd thr parents so b careful before going the.
If each event time is mentioned, it will be easy for KG kids to attend.