Kidz Rock -19 Competitions for Kids.
❖ Group A: Pre kg – UKG
❖ Group B: 1 st – 3 rd standard
❖ Group C: 4 th – 6 th standard
Event details:
❖ Colouring
❖ Drawing
❖ Fancy dress
❖ Rhymes
❖ Story Telling
Category Details
Category A – Colouring (Pre KG to UKG) (Timing 10:30 to 11:30 AM)
Colouring sheet will be given.
Category B – Drawing (Topic – Go Green) (Timing 10:30 to 11:30AM)
Drawing sheet will be given.
Category C – Drawing (Topic – Deforestation) (Timing 10:30 to 11:30 AM)
Category A – Rhymes (Any Rhymes 2 to 3 mins) (Timing 11:30 to 12:30 PM)
Story Telling
Category A,B – Story Telling (Any Topic 3 to 5 mins) (Timing 12:30 to 1:30 PM)
Category A,B,C – Fancy dress (Any Topic) (Timing 1:30 to 2:30 PM)
Participation certificate will be given to all the participants.
1) On spot registration starts from 9.30 a.m.
2) Be at the venue half an hour before.
3) All the necessary materials should be brought by the kids.
4) To register what’s app Kid name, school name, std to +91 9176618067 /
+91 7373117028.
Tiny Toddler,
No. 73, Andal Nagar, 3 rd Main road,
Adambakkam, Chennai – 600 088.
Call for queries: +91 9176618067 / +91 7373117028.