1. Event Title: Kids Competition
2. Event Description : Tiny tots .Kids from 2yrs to 6yrs .Rhymes and coloring and fancy dress. can take part in any 2 event. Pls send the email with kids info.
3. Event Venue: 19/a, Venkateshwara Main road, Sindhoori Apartment,Virugambakkam,Chennai – 600092.
4. Contact Information:
Event Organizer’s Name: The Phoenix Academy,
Mobile: 9500046856,9500046821.
Emai: team4phoenix@gmail.com
5. Age Group the event is applicable for. If the event is also for parents, please mention it.
From 2yrs to 6yrs.
6. Start Date : 29- 6-2014 and 6-7-14
7. Start Time and End Time. If there are multiple batches, please mention them.
8. From morning 10.00am to 1.00pm
Fee: 50/-
Dear Madam,
Let us know the results of various competitions held on 5th and 6th of July, 2014.