Shrine Vailankanni Sr Sec School, T.Nagar starts their admission process for the academic year 2014-15.
Please get in touch with the school office for further enquiries regarding the admission. Age criteria for Pre KG is 2½yrs and above.
School Address:
Shrine Vailankanni Senior Secondary School
No.9. Dhandapani Street
T.Nagar, Chennai 600017, India
Phone Nos. +91-44-24344479, +91-44-24344501
Email ID:
Pls advice is it possible to seek admission for my son class ix. At present he completed class viii and requires French . As we are from middle east Kuwait he had learnt from child hood French as a second language. Also prefer hostel accomadation
Kindly reply accordingly we can visit in june or july.
Mother Mercy Mathew.