Summer Camp – Green Minds 2016

Summer Camp – Green Minds 2016

Mindfulness for Success
Mindfulness is the method of bringing in awareness into our daily life. Children have a variety of things to do and learn, being mindful during school time will enhance their capacity to stay focused. Our mindfulness summer program will initiate the children into the awareness of the power of their mind. With this understanding and application their performance will accelerate. The program includes creating a mindfulness box. Rs. 2500 – 5 days program

Growth Mindset Program
Concentration problems usually lead to bad emotions irrespective of child or adult. Our growth mindset program will help children to concentrate and find creative solutions to problems while making decisions. This program will give the child a clear vision on positive growth and achieving goals. Rs. 2000 – 5 days program

Multiple Intelligence
Every child has a specific intelligence profile since Nature creates each human being as an individual. These multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and weakened. Nature’s gifts to the humans, as far as intelligences are concerned can be grouped into 10 like Linguistic, Logical, Musical, Kinesthetic, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Existential & Spiritual. Our summer program helps to discover the AWESOMENESS of every child through activities based on Multiple Intelligence program. Rs. 3000 – 10 days program.

Study Skill
Academics is an important part of child growth. Most kids get emotionally weak with fear and anxiety towards their academic performance. Our study skill program helps children get over fear & anxiety, understand learning patterns, gives them time plan & mind maps to make academic learning fun and exciting. Rs. 2000 – 5 days program.

The costs include material also for all the above programs. Only limited kids of 10 max per batch.
